Our Vision

We believe the future belongs to people, not machines. Join us as we strive to put humans back at the core of the tech stack.

   Dev Paths   


Tools to interact with users’ Vaults and zk proofs

(eg. self-monetization, credentials, DiDs, etc.)

White Labelling

Facilitate organizations’ transition to decentralized support without UX overhaul

(eg. insurance companies, etc.)

Corporate IAM

Integration with corporate governance, tools and resources

(eg. security, tracking, etc.)

How we compare

There are many ways to manage your digital life, none of them provide easy, universal and cheap digital self-recovery.
Comparison table highlighting features of YouSov, Web3 physical wallets, software recovery, and Web2 solutions.

Market Overview

With the rise of DeFi and NFTs, self-hosted crypto wallets have grown at a rapid pace.

Metamask, a popular wallet, went from near confidentiality in 2019 to 30 million daily users by 2024.
Driven by corporate adoption, IAM and password management markets are set to grow 10-fold in under a decade.

Revenue Model

Full financials available upon request.

setup fee
per user
per Access
premium services


Corporate IAM

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Platinum Alpha Membership
$ 50,000 (in USDC)

The YouSov Club is made of the oldest Members of the YouSov Community. The Alpha stage is the exclusive first stage of our Community, it commemorates the recruitment of Alpha testers for the YouSov App. Each Platinum Alpha Level Membership grants the following:
  • Access to private Members Telegram group
  • Lifetime grandfathered rate for premium subscription (price TBA)
  • Guaranteed whitelist spots, heavy discounts, free rewards and gifts on future drops
  • A share of YSA Token Supply (projecting ~2.1% per Platinum Alpha Membership)
  • Higher-weighted voting rights in community decisions
  • Priority support
  • Early access to confidential development updates and exclusive AMA sessions with founder
  • Branded Merch
  • 1 of first 12 of YouSov’s “World First Digital Autonomy Wallets”
  • Exclusive meet-and-greets at events

Gold Alpha Membership
$ 25,000 (in USDC)

The YouSov Club is made of the oldest Members of the YouSov Community. The Alpha stage is the exclusive first stage of our Community, it commemorates the recruitment of Alpha testers for the YouSov App. Each Gold Alpha Level Membership grants the following:
  • Access to private Members Telegram group
  • Lifetime grandfathered rate for premium subscription (price TBA)
  • Guaranteed whitelist spots and heavy discounts on future drops
  • A share of YSA Token Supply (projecting ~0.7% per Gold Alpha Membership)
  • Higher-weighted voting rights in community decisions
  • Early access to confidential development updates and exclusive AMA sessions with founder
  • Branded Merch
  • 1 of first 12 of YouSov’s “World First Digital Autonomy Wallets”
  • Exclusive meet-and-greets at events

Silver Alpha Membership
$ 10,000 (in USDC)

The YouSov Club is made of the oldest Members of the YouSov Community. The Alpha stage is the exclusive first stage of our Community, it commemorates the recruitment of Alpha testers for the YouSov App. Each Silver Alpha Level Membership grants the following:
  • Access to private Members Telegram group
  • Lifetime grandfathered rate for premium subscription (price TBA)
  • Guaranteed whitelist spot and discounts on future drops
  • A share of YSA Token Supply (projecting ~0.24% per Silver Alpha Membership)
  • Voting rights and advisory role on minor community decisions
YouSov Bronze Alpha NFT badge featuring a metallic helmet with ant-like antennae

Bronze Alpha Membership
$ 5,000 (in USDC)

The YouSov Club is made of the oldest Members of the YouSov Community. The Alpha stage is the exclusive first stage of our Community, it commemorates the recruitment of Alpha testers for the YouSov App. Each Bronze Alpha Level Membership grants the following:
  • Private Members Telegram group
  • Lifetime grandfathered rate for premium subscription (price TBA)
  • Discounts on future drops
  • A share of YSA Token Supply (projecting ~0.1% per Bronze Alpha Membership)
  • Voting rights on minor community decisions